

We are located on South Greenwich Road, Just South of Kellogg, Walmart, and the I-35 overpass! Our address is 770 S Greenwich Rd, Wichita, KS. 67207

What should I wear?

Come as you are! We care about you as a person and are not all that concerned about what you wear. The atmosphere is relaxed and you will see people wearing anything from suits and ties to Jeans and T-shirts. We really do want you to be comfortable and that is what we suggest -- wear whatever makes you comfortable!

When should I arrive?

For your first visit to WLCC, it would be good to arrive 15 to 20 minutes ahead of service time. Especially if you have children. We want to be able to get you settled in and show you where the children's activities are located. And we certainly don't want you to feel rushed or to miss out on any of the service. Service starts at 11:00am. Hope to see you soon!

What do you have for my family?

We have something for everyone! From a clean and lovingly staffed nursery to classes and services for the senior adults -- and everything in between. We have Lifegroups and ministries available for all ages and stages, and we have an awesome Celebration Service on Sunday mornings! Check out the ministries tab for more details.